Where have I been all month? Happily, I can say that I have been writing!
A short summary:
Week 1 - Not bad, kept up on word count. Getting words out was a bit more like pulling on a glob of molasses than a literary miracle.
Week 2 - Best week so far! Though this week is reportedly a dreadful week of horror for many Nanoers, words seemed to fly out of me and I even got ahead on my word count. I remember one amazing day that week when I was so wrapped up in my story that whenever I sat down to write a strange, blissful euphoria overtook me. That day made me feel like a writer.
Week 3 - Thought "spending Thanksgiving week at my parents' house won't affect my writing much," proceeded to go to said parents' house, experienced sheer terror and panic when I began to fear I was going to fail miserably. Decided that maybe stranding my main character alone for a large portion of the book, as planned, wasn't a good idea considering that dialogue is what makes my scenes and that without it I feel like an extremely clumsy person on ice skates. Got back on my feet.
And that brings me to now, nearing the end of Week 3. Deep breath. I have overcome so much this month, just letting myself write without worrying that what I was writing was essentially a pile of shit. Honestly, I thought it probably was. Imagine my surprise on reading over some of story today when I realized it wasn't nearly as bad as I had feared. In fact, it has potential and I might not even have to rewrite every single word after November's over. Keep on writing, fellow Nanoers. We can do this thing.
6 hours ago
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