So in case you haven't heard, Pagans and Wiccans made it into the news this week. And there's good news, and there's bad news. First, the good news.
Fox News reported on the University of Missouri's new religious guide for professors, which includes information on the holidays of several religions, including paganism, and ideas for accommodating students of those religions. I feel that attempting to schedule around all religious holy days would be impractical, and that it would make more sense for professors to accommodate students on an individual basis. But still, it's exciting that we made it into the guide. The original article...
No exams on Wiccan, Pagan holidays at University of Missouri?
But the good news only lasted for so long before Fox decided to insult Pagans and Wiccans with inaccurate info and portrayals on Fox and Friends Sunday today.
Click here to experience the train wreck for yourself.
22 hours ago
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