Thursday, December 6, 2012

Real Food, Real Work

  Though I sometimes wander into the most unhealthy of junk food binges, I always return to my desire for healthy eating eventually. The first half of this week makes me look like an amazingly healthy, industrious wife. Maybe if we keep quiet, everyone will believe it to be true. ;-)

Fitness Magazine

On Sunday,... Southwestern pizza.

           Monday, pita sandwiches with cucumber, tomato, red bell
                 pepper, and hummus.

Tuesday, Gingered Carrot Soup with Whole Wheat Biscuits.

   I did so great for those three days!  And yesterday, I ate leftover soup, so that's not too bad. But I didn't really think to plan for lunches at school, and so here I am, left to the mercy of the healthiness of whatever cafeteria soup happens to sound best. Monday and Tuesday were pretty  easy. Wednesday took a while, though. I am determined that one day, I will finally plan and eat healthy foods every day of the week, not just a few. But sometimes all the planning and cooking just gets me overwhelmed.  

Here's to everyone who's on this journey together, that we not get discouraged. (I'm always open to tips...just leave them in the comments!) I'm convinced that taking care of ourselves will be so worth it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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